Terrific Thursday
Another day another dollar was the story of the MOJO Day Trading Room today, as we had a terrific Thursday. As usual, the MOJO ProTraders came focused and ready for business, and reaped the rewards!

One of the highlights of our day was a sick bottom call on $UVXY by the always accurate ProTrader Mike.

Patience, patience, patience. It is the way of the MOJO. We use patience to our advantage, and it is commonly our most deadly weapon. When used correctly, patience can be absolutely lethal, as it was today, when MOJO ProTraders nailed the $UVXY bottom call! As Trader Life put in, we were doing the money dance, baby! I am not surprised at all to see that ProTrader Alan made a smooth $800 off the $UVXY bottom call! He cleans up on a daily basis! The man cannot be stopped!
Let’s check out the day’s poll results:

Fantastic results that anybody could be proud of. 0% of MOJO Traders failed to hit their daily goal today, which makes us very happy, as your success if MOJO’s success. 63% of traders made between 1% & 5% on their accounts, which is another one of MOJO’s goals. Great job! 36% of the member’s paper traded and made money. This is also outstanding, as they are currently paper trading on their first few days in the room to get used to the speed of the MOJO system. Get ready. Soon they will be adding 5% or more to their accounts on a daily basis!
Check out the monetary figures that the MOJO Traders earned today:

It looks like the MOJO Traders pulled in some very impressive profits today! Excellent job by Trader Life, who earned $866.60. Trader Whale made a cool $500, while Trader Grab grabbed $483. Additionally, a MOJO Trader who was gone by the time we did the poll told us he made $580 in 20 minutes at Starbucks. Let that sink in for a minute. They were on their way to work, stopped to grab a coffee and decided to check out the MOJO Day Trading Room. Before they left the store they had made $580! Some people don’t make that in a week and he was able to earn that in 20 minutes with the guidance of ProTrader Mike and the MOJO Day Trading Room.
If you want to start making money like the MOJO ProTraders, this is the spot for you: http://www.mojodaytrading.com/#!about-mojo/c1cix