Any MOJO ProTrader can tell you, patience is one of the keys to the MOJO system. This morning, patience was particularly important, as it allowed MOJO traders to turn possible losing trades with $SUNE and $VTL into profitable trades. This type of patience takes courage, leadership and experience to know exactly when to be patient and for how long.

Traders must develop an internal instinct over time, learned from detailed journaling and experiencing the various tricks and traps of the market endless times. I think it is clear to say, I have developed an elite level of patience that cannot be topped. This allows me to dominate the market with a DGF attitude, knowing my system based around positive expectancy will profit in the end, as long as I stay on the reservation and follow the MOJO system.
Further, MOJO continues to just knock it out of the park with the oil stocks, as I wrote about last week… In fact, just as I predicted, today’s movement in the Oil stocks replicated almost exactly what we saw last week with $JNUG, whose movement I also accurately predicted. My crystal ball has been on point!

At 11:28 AM this morning, I called the $15.00 HEINZ Trade Play on $USO... From there, the stock sky rocketed, just like I thought it would. When all was said and done, MOJO cashed in all the way to $16.03! Now that is an amazing trade play. That is why we were jumping with joy this afternoon at MOJO! Not only are we 5/5 on our swing picks so far, we completely crushed it with $USO! Also, please be advised that I recorded two recap videos today, as the action was just so sick!
For this morning recap, go here: For this afternoons recap, go here:
P.S. That's Day Trading Folks...How about the Swing Trades. MOJO continues to dominate there as well.
Every Pick from Sunday's Newsletter was up today. ZAZA cloed at $.50 - MOJO Cost $.46 ANFI closed even NSLP closed up 40% HNR closed up 13.8% GDP closed up 9.5%
P.S.S. MOJO Special Report Long Term Swing = Check out OXySure (OXYS) = Click Here