MOJO Day Trading Interview - Blog Talk Radio - Topic: Swing Trading
Michael Rich first appeared on my show August 10 to speak about Mojo trading and how he has consistently achieved a 95% success rate (as of today, he was on a streak of 110 straight winning trades). Since then I have been closely monitoring the performance and results via the Mojo trade room and the results have been incredible. I've seen comments from members saying that they hit their goals within the first hour of trading. MOJO is no stranger to my show, but this time we shifted gears from day trading to focus on swing trading along with the mental and financial components necessary to be successful. Swing trading provides for more time for your trade to work out and Mike sbhares how he seeks out to find solid swing picks. We also discussed how his 24 month, 90% success rate system has continued to grow more and more profittable.