People ask me all the time = "Mike, If you make so much money day trading WHY WHY WHY do you have a room and teach people? You would make so much more if just did it by yourself..why..why...why?
Well here is a big reason. I have built relationships with people that I consider friends outside the market. I can pick up the phone and call them anytime. ProTrader Alan, ProTrader Colin and many others. Now inside the day trade room these guys are my starting five. They are the best MOJO Pro's out there. They have such refined skills it's crazy. Check this out One of my lifetime trading partners, ProTrader Colin, made a massive score and I was his caddie for the trade, loving it! We spoke last week about the shippers gaining momo so he bought FreeSeas Symbol FREE at $.05 and this morning I was on the text with him coaching the sell into the premarket highs of $.215 - he made big money - a lifetime score!! Take a look at the chat transcript from the MOJO Trading Room, this is just a snippet, the congratulations went on for a few minutes, as you would expect.

Congratulations to ProTrader Colin! That was truly an unforgettable trade. Glad we could work together to make some money, partner, looking forward to our next score, which is inevitably just around the corner! So, it was already a very exciting morning for MOJO as I was texting with Colin while I was getting ready to go to the office. The excitement only grew, as I opened up the trading room. The first 15 minutes were filled with nonstop action, as $XOMA was moving! After the $XOMA trade, the action continued, as I nailed both $NUGT and $XOMA calls. I will let the poll results speak from themselves:

One of my favorite parts of running the MOJO Day Trading Room is the positive impact that comes with helping improve the lives of my team. Recently, my team sent out customer service emails and the response has been outstanding. If you check out my twitter page (https://twitter.com/ProTraderMike), I make sure to post testimonials as they come in.
With that said, today was a very special day. Video Recap for today = Click Here
Great poll! This is exactly what I am looking to do here with the MOJO Day Trading Room. If I can make my team of MOJO ProTraders between 1% and 5% on their accounts on a daily basis, I am happy. That is the goal and I intend to meet it on a daily basis.

Special congratulations to Trader Staci, She has really been showing the MOJO spirit and it is showing in her trading efforts. Serious profits are coming her way. Needless to say, but worth pointing out regardless, ProTrader Alan had another massive day, recording $2904 in profits! That is why he is the million dollar man! ProTrader Miguel also stepped it up, making $1226. Well done!

MOJO Day Trading is the best kept secret on Wall Street. I have no problem saying that, because it is true. MOJO is a hidden gem and once you discover it, you are on the path to success. We are rapidly growing, so now is the time to join the team. If you want to stop messing around in the minors and are ready for that big league call up, I am having a FREE CLASS on July 8th - the topic - Can you quit your day job and make living day trading - come check that out - Register here Click Image