Are You Crazy Like The Stock Market?
BOO!! The stock market has been very crazy scary as of late. Gold stocks are up and 10% to 20% on a daily basis as the Dow flies up 100 and ends down 200 and vice versa.

This WORLD is one big pressure pot, ready to pop and whistle at any time. The anticipation is killer. The terrorist threats, oil, interest rates, hundreds of companies are going to face bankruptcy. The market just came from 15,500 back to 18,000 in the midst of all this turmoil. The markets are turning Neutral now then Bearish and leading to a long awaiting recovery.
Are you ready for this? Is your portfolio geared with holdings that will make money as hedge if the markets do this? Is your stock picking strategy well in down markets? Do you even know what to do?
Well I have a good handle on the markets and will be guiding the MOJO Swing Trade Subscribers to the Promised Land not the zombie land of dead stocks. Past comic tells the story...been solid since 2014 and before | 90% accurate picks.

The MOJO Swing Trade Newsletter is a weekly newsletter that is sent out every Sunday evening. The MOJO Swing Trade stock picks are presented in an organized fashion so it is easy to understand and a great way for anybody interested in learning Swing Trading to get started quickly. If your too busy to Day Trade and working the 9 to 5, then let ProTrader Mike do all the stock market research for you. The MOJO Swing Trade Newsletter is perfect for you because you get the picks sent directly to your inbox with all updates and profit email alerts. Scaling in and out of Swing Trades is a skill that is taught to all subscribers.
ProTrader Mike identifies high probability stock patterns that repeat themselves over and over again. These patterns can be very profitable when executed consistently. ProTrader Mike's research consists of scanning through a database of more than 7,000 stocks every Sunday night. All the stocks have an emphasis on the MOJO Small Cap System of picking stocks. These swing picks are selected as the potential big movers for the week. The average hold time for a MOJO Swing Trade pick has been 8 days. The Newsletter is sent in both PDF & Video Updates. The Video Updates provide teaching lessons on the MOJO strategy so you can "Earn While You Learn".
Swing Trade Results =!day-trade-results/ca8v
Swing Trade Newsletter Video Recaps =!swing-trade-video-updates-2015/caad
Traders are getting slaughtered in this market and the battle has not even begun yet. Having a dedicated and knowledgeable mentor and caddie has never been more important. You need a coach and a day trading room you can rely on, not a mentor that will give you his picks, only to leave you holding the bag while he counts his cash! Guess what you were just “front runned” Not at MOJO! At MOJO Day Trading, the picks are given out as they happen and nobody gets left holding the bag. We know chaos is lurking, the market still has some tricks for us, and so we are ready and vigilant. MOJO traders know I am going to be there for them every morning, focused and ready to make money.
Remember this – the market is orderly and things take time to happen. What you think may be good today may actually play out weeks later – does that mean you were wrong – nope just means the market is orderly and patience is the key is your decisions.
The DOW is moving and in a direction that traders do not want to see. A lot of trouble may be brewing on the horizon and I have been calling solid picks for years now, for proof, please take a look at results:
Daily Day Trade Results =!day-trade-results/ca8v
Daily Video Recaps =!video-recaps-feb-2015/c10r8
So where does this leave you, the average trader trying to make a living in this market? Well, to be frank with you, the next few weeks and months are going to be a struggle for us all. We are going to have display amazing patience and focus to maintain our positive expectation. Thankfully, I am more than equipped to succeed in even the most volatile market, as my years of results go to show you. Please be aware of other trading room moderators that do not have your best interest at heart in this market, as I pointed out in my $KMPH $PRGN and other shorting tweets. Stop losing huge in trading rooms with SIX (6) moderators who leave you holding the bag, come to MOJO and trade with a ONE mentor who will really have your back in the difficult times!
MOJO Day Trading has a plan to combat the dropping DOW and the crazy market. I have spent my entire life perfecting my patience and I am prepared to use it. In this market, you have to be well aware of the MOJO Wave Theory, you have to see the waves and wait for the right time to come. Don’t trade just to trade, that is what a loser and a junkie does. Trade like your account is your business, because it is. Every single MOJO ProTrader is an entrepreneur and a business owner. I take pride in that.
If you really want to take your trading to the next level, I have the perfect resource for you.
MOJO has made it easy for you to try out the MOJO Day Trading Room,Swing Trade Newsletter OR The Combo Pack (both services). For either service there is a One (1) Month, Thirty Day (30) Day Trial Subscription at Special Rate of 50% Off.
This is a trial subscription rate to try either service for 30 days. Then the subscription rate then goes to the regular monthly rate for that service (all done thru Pay Pal). The MOJO Day Trade Room & Swing Trade Newsletter are seperate services each priced to try the service for 30 days. Then the subscription rate goes to the regular monthly rate for each. (all done thru Pay Pal).
Also, as token of MOJO’s appreciation you will get the MOJO University Level 2 Day Trading Educational Series Video with any subscription. This is a $50.00 Value Added Bonus. Basically your getting to try the service for $0, so kick start your trading career, you won’t be sorry you did.
Sign Up with Pay Pal, it's all controlled by you. Once MOJO gets confirmation of your subscription you will receive a welcome email with full instructions.
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